[Freeipa-users] ipa migrate-ds and cn=sysaccounts, cn=etc, <PREFIX>

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Sat Mar 11 20:14:18 UTC 2017

On la, 11 maalis 2017, Robert Söderlund wrote:
>Hi all!
>Does 'ipa migrate-ds' support migrating users from 

>I tried with the arguments 
>'--user-container=cn=sysaccounts,cn=users,cn=accounts' and 
>'--user-objectclass=simplesecurityobject,organizationalperson' without 
>I think if would be a nice feature to be able to migrate objects that 
>isn't located in the default path.
sysaccounts aren't users. migrate-ds only supports migration of a
limited subset objects that IPA framework knows about: users and groups.
It doesn't support many other objects IPA framework knows about.
Sysaccounts aren't even something IPA framework knows by itself.

>I can always fix this with ldapsearch/ldapadd but it would be nice if 
>this was doable with ipa migrate-ds.
I agree that it would be good to extend migrate-ds scope but it is
currently not on the radar for many reasons. I'd rather see it extended
in a programmatic way to handle all IPA framework objects and allow to
specify a mapping table for them similar to how we specify
--user-container and --user-objectclass (and other options). Then when
sysaccounts would be managed by the IPA framework, they would become
automatically available for migration.

However, I personally have no available time for that in next half a
year (at least).

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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