[Freeipa-users] different apis for adding "local" users to groups vs adding users from cft?

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Sat Mar 18 06:27:29 UTC 2017

On pe, 17 maalis 2017, Marc Boorshtein wrote:
>I've got the api integrated for all local users and am looking at if
>there are any differences between that and if my ipa domain is in a
>CFT with an AD domain.  Right now I'm using "group_add_member", should
>that work for users coming from a trusted forest as well?
EPARSE, but I'll try to understand what are you trying to achieve.

If you were using 
   ipa group-add-member external_group --external user at AD.DOMAIN
to add AD users as external members of a group, you continue using the
same command on API level:

   api.Command.group_add_member(u'external_group', external=u'user at AD.DOMAIN'})

Same with JSON-RPC.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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