[Galaxy-ng] Galaxy/Pulp Check-in Meeting Minutes

Chris Houseknecht house at redhat.com
Wed Jul 8 12:55:48 UTC 2020

Hey all!

Each week engineers from the Galaxy and Pulp teams meet for an hour to
discuss any issues related to the ongoing integration of Pulp Core and Pulp
Plugins into the GalaxyNG codebase <https://github.com/ansible/galaxy_ng>.
We're working together to turn the GalaxyNG project (the code that powers
Automation Hub at cloud.redhat.com) into an installable, on-premise Galaxy
capable of hosting Community, Red Hat Certified, and private Ansible

The following is a summary of our last meeting, which occurred on Tuesday,
7 July:


   - Ansible modules to configure Pulp are almost available
      - https://github.com/pulp/squeezer
   - Working on pulp-operator docs
      - https://pulp-operator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
      - https://github.com/pulp/pulp-operator/pull/45
   - RBAC
   - Content Sync performance


   - RBAC
      - On track to deliver by Fest
      - Usecase meeting happening later today (7 July)
   - Content Sync
      - For content change in the golden repo:
         - Kick-off n number of tasks where n is the number of org repos
         - Synclist configuration happens automatically on login, so n will
         be large day one.
         - We’re resource bound on c.rh.c - something we may need to deal
         - Solution:
            - on login create a unique distribution for each subscriber
            account that defaults to the golden repo
            - the first time user adds something to their denylist, create
            a repo, associate it with the distribution, and start a
task to copy
            content from golden repo into new repo
            - this reduces the size of n
         - Content promotion:
         - Possible time delay between new content arrival on c.rh.c and
         sync to org repo
            - One possibility is to point the org distributions to a
            specific repository version, rather than latest. This
could be a way to
            ‘stage’ content and promote it to every org at the same time.
            - For now, start with the simple solution, but the above might
            be an alternative in the future.
         - Curation task development:
         - Group task report - reports progress on a group of tasks
         - Could be used to surface promotion status in UI


   - [house] test https://github.com/pulp/squeezer and possibly update our
   config role to use

The teams are scheduled to meet again on 14 July at 11:30 AM Eastern. You
can view the agenda and past meeting notes here
<https://hackmd.io/@galaxyng/check-in-notes>. If there is a topic you would
like us to discuss, please submit questions to the mailing list, or open an
issue at the galaxy_ng project.



Chris Houseknecht
Manager, Galaxy Engineering Team
Ansible by Red Hat
*GitHub: *chouseknecht
<https://www.github.com/chouseknecht>*Twitter: *@chouseknecht
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