[Galaxy-ng] Galaxy/Pulp Check-In Meeting Minutes
Chris Houseknecht
house at redhat.com
Mon Jun 8 13:19:03 UTC 2020
Hey all!
Each week engineers from the Galaxy and Pulp teams meet for an hour to
discuss any issues related to the ongoing integration of Pulp Core and Pulp
Plugins into the GalaxyNG codebase <https://github.com/ansible/galaxy_ng>.
We're working together to turn the GalaxyNG project (the code that powers
Automation Hub at cloud.redhat.com) into an installable, on-premise Galaxy
capable of hosting Community, Red Hat Certified, and private Ansible
The following is a summary of our last meeting, which occurred on Tuesday,
2 June:
Agenda Items
make galaxy-ng mailing list self-subscribe
public archives
Send minutes from this meeting to the list after each meeting
Switch to single-container or continue with the existing docker
Should the pulp installer support dev installs?
Pulp Container release beta going out this week( will contain “push”
Discuss some issues realted to the current generated openapi
How to handle API access for standalone if all tokens are for admin?
Socializing idea of adding static metadata content to “published” galaxy
content (ala, yum, deb, maven, etc). And potentially using ContentGuards
for access control in lieu of having to do API. (alikins)
RBAC update - https://hackmd.io/kZ1oYp8TTkeuC5KL_ffjGQ
POC in progress
Seeking feedback once it’s ready (hopefully EOW)
Switch to a single container? - No, Galaxy team will continue using
their Docker dev environment.
Should the Pulp installer support Dev installs?
Yes, the Pulp installer should support source checkout installs
Needs to support UI copy and build steps
Pulp Container
Pulp_container beta dropping this week
Need it in AH for the end-user install to consume
Alex and Brian will update the pulp_container version in AH
Pulp generated OpenAPI
[alikins] will review with the Pulp Dev team
There needs to be a move to v3 schema generation
Need RBAC to be in a consumable place, so we can start working with
it in GalaxyNG
Serving static metadata content and potentially using ContentGuards for
access control
Makes sense from a conceptual perspective
Makes it possible to distribute repositories via import/export. Could
be a solution, maybe, for the disconnected use case.
If we’re going to serve static metadata to the client, it conflicts
with existing GalaxyNG API, and would require a lot of re-work.
Needs a proposal
Use case(s)
Technical details and scope of work
Cost / Benefit justification
Action Items
[bmbouter] make mailing list self-subscribe and turn on archives
[house] send minutes to the list
[bmbouter] update on RBAC
[house] RPMs - get a conversation started on building and hosting an
“upstream packaged version of the the plugin”
[bmbouter] organize having the pulp installer support developer installs
[alikins] will review OpenAPI generation with the Pulp Dev team
[alikins] proposal for serving static metadata
Our next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, 9 June at 11:30 AM Eastern. If
there's something you would like us to add to the agenda, please reply to
this list. We're working on creating a public agenda and meeting notes at
hackmd.io, so look for that in the next update.
Chris Houseknecht
Manager, Galaxy Engineering Team
Ansible by Red Hat
*GitHub: *chouseknecht
<https://www.github.com/chouseknecht>*Twitter: *@chouseknecht
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