[Hwcert-announce-list] Red Hat Certification 5.1, Test Suite Updates, and Updated Certification Workflow Site Available

Gary Case gcase at redhat.com
Mon Sep 18 20:35:41 UTC 2017

Greetings Red Hat Partners,

We are pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of updated
Red Hat Certification 5.1 and associated test suite package updates
(listed below). This Red Hat Certification package update *is* an
official release and should be used for all new Red Hat certification
submissions. Successful results from the previous certification test
suite will be accepted for a period of 90 days.

The updated Red Hat Certification packages listed below are available
on the Red Hat Customer Portal at the following location:




This release includes enhancements and bug fixes as follows:

1. File attachments including specification and other documentation
can now be uploaded from the rhcert WUI using the Dialog tab on a
Certification page.

2. The sosreport check in the cloud/supportable, hwcert/info and
openstack/supportable sub-tests is now split out into new test called
{cloud|hwcert|openstack}/sosreport. This test is required for all runs
and scheduled by default. It will run after the rhcert/selfcheck test
to capture an sos report ahead of any possible fatal failures
occurring during other testing.

3. The open ports check in the cloud/configuration test will now
confirm open ports using the external IP of the image under test
instead of localhost. This improves the accuracy of which ports are
accessible to the outside versus open locally.

4. The hardware/info test will now recognize the 7.4 GA kernel when
executed in stand-alone environments where the test cannot reach the
redhat-certification services.

5. The services check in the cloud/configuration test now confirms
that the running services are enabled in the runlevel and that
services not running are disabled in the runlevel. The services check
test now also includes additional logging in the root user services
control check.

6. The create new Red Hat OpenStack Platform Server certifications
properly enforces the requirement that the RHEL Server certification
be completed first.

7. Leverage can now be specified on the Progress page for hardware
certifications in the rhcert WUI. Both per test leveraging from a
system certification as well as certification leveraging from a
component certification are supported.

8. A new redhat-certification-ironic-preview package is provided as an
early access to BMC/server management tests for use in Red Hat
OpenStack Platform certifications. These tests may be executed from a
certification sandbox in the rhcert WUI. New certifications related to
BMC/Server management can not be created at this time. Red Hat will
provide additional program information in the future prior to enabling
such certifications.

9. Various cleanups and administrative changes in the hardware-preview
package content have been made. The preview packages provide tests
that are not part of official certifications at this time.

The complete changelog for each package may be found on the download
page by selecting the package name followed by selecting the ChangeLog

If you encounter any problems, please file bugs against the "Red Hat
Certification Program" product in Red Hat Bugzilla
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com). Note that this may be a change from
some users who are used to using the old "Red Hat Hardware
Certification Program" product.

We value your ongoing participation in Red Hat certification, software
development, and testing efforts. Thank you for your continued
partnership. If you have any questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to contact your partner manager or engineering account

The Red Hat Certification Team

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