[Hwcert-announce-list] Red Hat Certification 7.34, Test Suite Updates, and Updated Certification Workflow Site Available

Ecosystem Partner Management ecosystem-partner-mgmt at redhat.com
Fri Sep 24 22:22:27 UTC 2021

Greetings Red Hat Partners,

We are pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of Red Hat
Certification 7.34 and its associated test suite package updates (listed
below). This Red Hat Certification package update *is* an official release
and should be used for all new Red Hat certification submissions.
Successful results from the previous certification test suite will be
accepted for a period of 90 days.

The updated Red Hat Certification packages listed below are available on
the Red Hat Customer Portal at the following location:





















The Red Hat Certification management interface on Red Hat Partner Connect,
which is available at https://rhcert.connect.redhat.com, has been updated
to use these packages.

This release includes enhancements and bug fixes as follows:



All Certifications

Responses to all rhcert prompts recorded in the test run logs


   User responses to some prompts were not captured in the logs making
   debugging and assisting partners more difficult.

RHCert will now capture and include the responses to all prompts in the
test suite logs.

All Certifications

Traceback fixed in rhcert WebUI


   An issue was fixed where providing an incorrect IP address to the RHCert
   LTS Web UI when associating a new System Under Test could cause the
   interface to traceback with an “error at /configuration” message.

The interface now correctly provides a “no route to host” message.

Hardware Certification

Storage Tests updated to ignore an ignorable mkfs stderr message


   Later versions of mkfs will print a message to stderr about ignoring
   invalide stripe sizes in block alignment. This error message would cause
   the storage tests to return a failure even though the file system was
   otherwise created correctly.

The test now ignores this ignoring message and will continue to test the
storage device.

Hardware Certification

Fixed an rc.local permission with RHEL 8 virtualization tests (fv_*) for
RHEL 8 based images


   An issue was fixed where the permissions of the rc.local file in a RHEL
   8 guest may prevent the tests from running and capturing the test output
   for retrieval by the host.

The test will now correct the permissions.

Hardware Certification

Updated Laptop keys test in the preview package to Python3


   The code was updated in the Laptop specific keyboard test to support
   Python 3 as used in RHEL 8. The test remains in the preview package to
   provide partner early testing opportunities for potentially upcoming
   feature capabilities testing.

Special Notice - End of new release announcements

The above information is available in the release notes with-in the updated
test suite packages and from the configuration page of Local Test Server
WebUI interface. Notices of new releases of the test suite go out using the
standard Red Hat Errata mechanism and any internet connected LTS will
display a notification banner about new releases. DNF and YUM will keep a
connected LTS up to date with the latest Red Hat certification releases.

With the multiple quantities of mechanisms and methods to keep partners
informed and systems up to date, Red Hat will stop sending regular update
messages about regular RHCert update releases. We will send an additional
two regular errata RHCert update announcements after this announcement to
provide an adjustment period for those that rely on this email.

Special and high impact events will still receive announcements and special
events. This notice is only regarding announcement mails for regular errata
for RHCert

We value your ongoing participation in Red Hat certification, software
development, and testing efforts. Thank you for your continued partnership.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact
Ecosystem Partner Management.


The Red Hat Certification Team
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