First Status Report

Atul Aggarwal searchatul at
Sun Jun 7 19:08:11 UTC 2009

As per the Prototype Plan, following objectives as been achieved:

1. Creation of .torrent file based on the directory structure.
2. Web server glued with torrent library which shows files present in the
torrent when called on $localion/torrent.
3. When clicked on the file present in the fake index file, it downloads the

So as per the prototype plan, all goals has been completed (wrong?).
The only problem is that I am not able to detect when is the download over
so that I can serve the file through the webserver. I am looking for it on
apis and will talk to irc channel if I am still not able to do it.

I used mini_http project as the webserver as I found the code of mini_http
simple. Now I can port it to lighttpd also (Should I?). I need to write
plugin in lighttpd for torrent or I can modify existing file and directory
plugin to accomodate the support of torrent.

I am really sorry for such delay in the status report. I got some personal
problem and hence could not find time. Now I am free and hence will send
status report twice a week (one on wed. and another on sunday). I will also
try to accomodate the time I lost during past week.


Atul Aggarwal
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