Draft patch for mtime, symlink attribute and symlink path

Atul Aggarwal atul.aggarwal.cse05 at itbhu.ac.in
Tue Jun 23 03:23:51 UTC 2009

I just saw that mtime patch has been checked in. I will create seperate
patch for symlink. In the meantime, we may discuss the questions.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Atul Aggarwal <
atul.aggarwal.cse05 at itbhu.ac.in> wrote:

> I am attaching draft patch. However, i need to discuss some points
> regarding patch.
> 1. Initially, i thought of making symlink path in the same format as the
> path is stored in the torrent file but it looks like symlink should be more
> easily stored as string rather than path format. Is this makes some sense or
> should i store that in path format? (I had some problem symlink_path as path
> format for paths like ../../abc)
> 2. If string is okay, then should i change the signature of all the
> function to match std::string rather than boost::filesystem::path
> (currently).
> 3. I have used "symlink path" for the storage key in the torrent file
> whenever i have symlink_attribute set.
> 4. This patch stores the symlink_path upto MAX_SYMLINK_PATH (in
> create_torrent.cpp) and doesnot trunkate the symlinks and stores empty
> string in the torrent file, however, i am not able to throw an warning while
> creating torrent. Any idea how to do that?
> Any suggestions regarding patch or some more questions?
> --
> Regards,
> Atul Aggarwal


Atul Aggarwal
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