Library for torrent

Atul Aggarwal searchatul at
Fri May 29 16:18:02 UTC 2009

I have shortlisted the library (also discussed on irc) for torrent to be
used for the proof of concept. The library to be used is
libtorrent-rasterbar ( The
basis of the selection is the features available in the library and the use
of library in the torrent clients.
The feature list suggest that this library is multi threaded with seperate
thread for disk etc. I liked several features. For complete features of
library visit
Also this library is been used in more than 20+ clients which is also
mentioned in the site.
Moreever, the examples provided in the torrent is sufficient for our proof
of concept purpose.

SInce I have not used extensively the library in case of any serious problem
or this library does not suits our needs in further project, we will look
for some other library, however, i really doubt that.

Also, i had some progress regarding proof of concept (i got struck in some
compilation problem of seperate example in the library but people at
#libtorrent helped me out). Hopefully, i will be able to post the updates at
the end of this weekend.

Any suggestions/comments are always welcome.

P.S. libtorrent-rasrerbar ((
is completely different from libtorrent library (*http://libtorrent*. I got initally confused hence mentioning it.


Atul Aggarwal
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