Can I use a local repo insteed the actual fedora mirrors

Warren Togami wtogami at
Tue Mar 25 15:46:12 UTC 2008

Kushal Das wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I specify to use a local repo insteed of the real Fedora mirrors for 
> ltsp-build-client.

Look in /etc/ltsp/kickstart/ and edit the appropriate files.
If you have your own mirror for your own permanent network, you might 
want to setup a "site-local mirror" so all your yum clients using the 
mirrorlist autoconfigure to use your preferred mirror.  I personally 
setup my office to use its own mirror, and my home to use my home 
mirror.  Entire companies, schools, or ISP's could do something similar 
to automatically direct yum clients on their networks to their own mirror.

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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