K12LTSP5 EL + K12Linux Sound working and localdev (sort of)

William Fragakis william at fragakis.com
Mon Nov 17 19:37:55 UTC 2008

I've been able to modify a K12LTSP5 EL installation to use LTSP5 with
working sound and (sort of, see below) working local devices. I hope the
following helps. Let me know if you run into any problems following what
I have below because I was never the best at taking notes.

It requires the use of some f8 and f9 rpms and you are definitely skiing
off-piste here - you are on your own. But it does work in my limited
testing. Unfortunately, I had to reinvent Warren Togami's wheel a bit
because I had googled for Centos instead of RHEL and ended up sorting
out what he quite elegantly details in his nice guide into getting a
base install of LTSP 5 onto RHEL5 here:

I began with a vanilla install of K12LTSP 5 EL (Centos 5) 32 bit and ran
yum update which brought the installation up to ver. 5.2. Lacking
Warren's tutorial, I copied the relevant files over from a working F9
K12Linux install and edit configuration files accordingly. I had to copy
the /opt/ltsp/i386 directly via ssh because uncompressing or burning the
directory kept generating errors because of the symlinks that were
beyond my proficiency to correct. I retained the legacy networking
scheme. If you are unfamiliar with installing k12Linux, I highly
recommend proceeding from Warren's tutorial. For those of you who want
to skip to the good part...

from Warren -
rpm -Uhv

yum install ltsp-server

copy in new client root (copy from working installation or Warren's
run ltsp-update-sshkeys and ltsp-update-kernels

set up networking and enable new services

post (after) Warren's tutorial
for sound:
yum remove ltsp_esound* 
(this may obsolete the next step but I came from a different direction.
Please let me know)
rpm -ev esound --nodeps

or your favorite f8 mirror, install the following:

these are require to install alsa-lib, iirc


next install
alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386             1.0.15-3.fc8.1          

 the pulse packages come from rhel5 repository, iirc
gstreamer-plugins-pulse.i386             0.9.5-0.5.svn20070924   
pulseaudio.i386                          0.9.10-1.el5.1              
pulseaudio-core-libs.i386                0.9.10-1.el5.1              
pulseaudio-esound-compat.i386            0.9.10-1.el5.1         i     
pulseaudio-libs.i386                     0.9.10-1.el5.1            
pulseaudio-libs-glib2.i386               0.9.10-1.el5.1              
pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf.i386            0.9.10-1.el5.1            
pulseaudio-module-gconf.i386             0.9.10-1.el5.1             
pulseaudio-module-x11.i386               0.9.10-1.el5.1           
pulseaudio-module-zeroconf.i386          0.9.10-1.el5.1               
pulseaudio-utils.i386                    0.9.10-1.el5.1         

while you are adding stuff:
afaik, you'll need this to support nbd swap;

add /etc/asound.conf with the following contents

#Generated by system-config-soundcard, do not edit by hand
#DEV 0
defaults.pcm.card 0 
defaults.pcm.device 0 
defaults.ctl.card 0 
pcm.pulse {
    type pulse

ctl.pulse {
    type pulse
pcm.!default {
    type pulse
ctl.!default {
    type pulse

compare/create  /etc/alsa/pulse-default.conf  so it looks like this:

# PulseAudio plugin configuration
# $Id: pulse-default.conf,v 1.3 2008/03/09 15:50:49 lkundrak Exp $

# Let's create a virtual device "pulse" for mixer and PCM

pcm.pulse {
    type pulse
    hint {
        description "PulseAudio Sound Server"

ctl.pulse {
    type pulse
    hint {
        description "PulseAudio Sound Server"

# Let's make it the default!

pcm.!default {
    type pulse
    hint {
        description "Default"

ctl.!default {
    type pulse
    hint {
        description "Default"

go to System -> Preferences -> Sound and choose Alsa for your output. If
you get gsink errors, make sure that your pulse-default.conf and
asound.conf files are correct. You should be able to play test tones on
your client.

update or install flash-plugin (Flash 10)

Now, you should be able to watch something fun like Snow Patrol on


for local devices - 

for using local devices, I could only get usb sticks to work. After
upgrading to the most recent ltspfs package, I couldn't
generate  /dev/cdrom. Anyone have any ideas? I don't know if it's an
issue with ltspfs or cdpinger, etc. I could at least get an cdrom icon
before the update.

Double check this file or fuse will create incorrect permissions.
(correct Group from root to fuse)

KERNEL=="fuse", NAME="%k", MODE="0666",OWNER="root",GROUP="fuse"

add your regular user to the fuse group. 

Your usb stick will show up in /media/foouser/ 
K12Linux uses gvfs to automatically have an icon appear for you. Perhaps
someone can wrestle with ltspfsmounter (?) and generate an icon/link on
the user desktop, etc.

post mortem
fail dep resolution - require lib.esd

usb stick appears in obscure location.

Sound works great.

My thanks to Peter Scheie who allowed me to bounce some ideas off of

William Fragakis

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