[K12ltsp-list] Re : Ocean Technology Professionals

Annabel Fay annabel.salesdata at outlook.com
Wed Feb 8 19:15:12 UTC 2017

I am writing to check if you would be interested in acquiring a list of contacts from Marine Science and Ocean Technology Industry.
The contact list includes: Oceanographers, Geophysicists, Environmental monitoring & pollution control professionals, Hydrographic Surveyors, Defense & maritime security professionals, Marine engineering professionals, Business development Managers/ Directors, Ports & Waterways/Coastal & Harbor Authorities and more.
Each contact includes: Company Name, Web Address, Contact Name, Verified Email, Job Title, Complete Mailing Address, Phone Number, FAX Number, Total Employees, and Industry details.
We are also specialized in other industries as well, so if you can let me know your target audience then I'll be glad to get back to you with more details.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
Best Regards,
Annabel Fay
Marketing Coordinator
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