[K12OSN] OOserver?

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Fri Apr 16 12:48:26 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 01:18, Thomas Ryan Gordon Sr wrote:

>  If k12ltsp was on box 1 and the system was being heavily taxed
> | by open office use (just as an example) how can one attach a second
> | box (box 2) so that all instances of openoffice run on box 2 but
> | appear on clients served by box1, so that the resources used by
> | openoffice primarily tax box 2?
> you would use rsh or ssh to forward the X.  make sure there is plenty of
> bandwidth between the two boxes.

There is a big difference in what happens with rsh or ssh when
your $DISPLAY is already on a different machine than where
the command is issued.  Ssh makes a fake local $DISPLAY on
the remote side that is transparently port-forwarded back
to the machine where the command was issued over the encrypted
connection, then sent on to the original $DISPLAY.  That means
that the server running the window manager that you were
trying to off-load is still involved.  With rsh, your
original $DISPLAY is passed along or you would set it
explicitly to point to the thin client.  Then when the
program starts it will make it's own connection to $DISPLAY
completely independent from the connection where the
command was issued.  Rsh is less secure but off-loads more
of the work.

  Les Mikesell
   les at futuresource.com

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