[K12OSN] PD for staff

Andrew Fournier adfour at mtaonline.net
Sat Apr 17 04:25:38 UTC 2004

Thanks everyone for the insights on server loads (OOserver thread).
I think I get the idea- correct me if I'm wrong. What is wanted is for
the "ooserver" to NOT pass through the ltsp server, so as to minimize
the load on the ltsp server as much as possible. Thus, one would use ssh
(with compression) to a server NOT "behind" the ltsp server but rather
on the network as a peer, and configured in "hosts" on the ltsp server.
This will pipe either application info, or the whole application window
to the ltsp client. I will experiment next week.
This would seem to imply that large central ( or clustered?) application
and home servers connected to from lab and classroom level ltsp servers
would be what is wanted for a building wide implementation, right? This
kinda brings up kimberlite & LVM for the home server.....

Professional Development issues & MS software? So far my district seems
to be pretty enthusiastic, but I have been using my class as a test
site-- now that it seems a proven technology k12ltsp will appear in the
library, then in some elementary labs-- the places where ms desktops
come to grief most quickly. The thing is, if the kids use it, the
teachers will follow if not shoved into it too abruptly, I think--and ms
kinda suffers in side by side comparison. Besides, where are you using
thin clients that teachers notice and can't escape?
-A fournier

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