[K12OSN] Rom-o-matic OT

Timothy Legge tlegge at rogers.com
Fri Aug 13 01:42:52 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 22:28, Kevin Verheyen wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to find an explanation about the different output formats 
> you can generate
> at rom-matic.net
> but cannot find usefull information.
> Can someone please explain me the differences between the types of 
> fomats?
> (.com and .zdsk are known yet)

zdsk = Floppy version (cat eb.zdsk > /dev/fd0)
zrom = Rom version to be written to a eprom 
iso = Bootable cd 
liso = cd with support for a floppy like loader
zlilo = loadable via a boot loader (lilo, grub etc)
zpxe = load etherboot via pxe
com = Dos loadable version
elf = linux bios

Most users will start with the zdsk, possibly graduate to zpxe and do a
post graduate degree in zrom (require an eprom programmer or some
specific NICs and eproms).

Most of the other formats are fairly specalized.


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