[K12OSN] Help! Please!

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Wed Dec 15 14:51:12 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 02:33, Ascension Tech wrote:
> If I try and copy /home to another
> drive do I need knoppix to recognize it as a raid partition or can I
> just copy one since they are exactly the same size?

It needs to see the /dev/md?  device, although it should be able to
do that with just one disk of a raid1 set.  If you have other
drives in the machine, you can 'cp -a' directories from one
to another.  If you have other Linux boxes on the network with
ssh enabled, from knoppix you can 
scp -rp localdirectory root at remote_server:/path
tar -czf localdirectory |ssh user at remote_server 'cat >/path/file.tar.gz'
to salvage whatever knoppix can find.  If you really have a hardware
issue you may not have much luck, though.

  Les Mikesell
   les at futuresource.com

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