[K12OSN] Macintosh Client Question

Shawn Powers spowers at inlandlakes.org
Thu Feb 26 09:10:01 UTC 2004

Jim Kronebusch wrote:
> Shawn, how did you load the 5500's?  Did you do a minimal installation?
> What script did you use to automatically start X with the -query?

Hey Jim -- I haven't elaborated much to the list because it's not 
"perfect" yet -- but here's what I did to get things automagic:

get yellowdog working.
make sure yellowdog can start X.
edit /etc/inittab, and:
    Look for the bottom where it mentions "respawn" the prefdm process...
    Change that line, so that the "respawned" process is:
           /usr/X11R6/X -query

And it works for me.  Note that accessing the local machine seems nigh 
on impossible once the X -query is started though, and you need to pass 
the kernel arguement "init 3" to change local settings.  (Or SSH in from 

If the instructions aren't clear, I can go get the actual file changes 
made, but hopefully you'll be able to figure out what I meant. :)

I will wiki the issue once I get it smooth.  I looked again at Chuck's 
setup, and it's just too much for me, with a separate PPC tree, etc. 
Installing yellowdog and a local X install was fairly painless, although 
I realize it adds more points of failure to the system.

BTW, Chuck -- thanks for the pointer to the dri stuff, I'll take a look.

Shawn Powers
Technology Director
Inland Lakes Schools
PHN: 231-238-6868 x9174
FAX: 509-356-7024
spowers at inlandlakes.org

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