[K12OSN] Programming Languages

aust_txv at ACCESS-K12.org aust_txv at ACCESS-K12.org
Thu Jul 22 08:53:05 UTC 2004

This topic is not really my area, BUT  IHMO why not try the three "P's" 
plain old Perl, PHP, and Python with their respective GTK ui's.  PHP-GTK is 
kinda neat. You can make windows, MacOSX, and Linux apps.  PerlTk is simple 
while giving you Perl on the backend, graphics,  and CPAN.  Python keeps 
growing and is not difficult on the surface.  I like them all because you 
can give students theory and give real world examples with graphics, db's 
and multimedia.  You mean "HelloWorld" doesn't cut the mustard anymore ?
Learn Python, Get a Free Blender3D.  As for an IDE, again really not my 
area.  I still use vi for php and perl stuff and a notebook.  Vi with 
PHP-GTK would be a simple, powerful, and a free solution that would give 
you gobs of theory and 1000's of examples ( the PHP part not PHP-GTK).
Many IDE's here


Tom V.

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