[K12OSN] dual Xeon and FC1

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Sat Jul 17 00:23:55 UTC 2004

Julius Szelagiewicz wrote:

>	it seems that people have mixed results with large memory kernels
>on 32 bit systems. The problem is that the tricks used to move around
>pages to actually access memory over 4GB don't always play well with all
>mobos and processors. I had dismal results, others reported excellent
>results, ymmv. the new 64 bit xeons will be available shortly. it might be
>worth the wait, since all the extended memory issues are moot on them.

Fortunately, you don't have to wait.  There are quite a few companies 
that sell and support two-way and four-way boxes with the 64-bit AMD 
Opteron.  Penguin Computing is among them, as is MicroWay.


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