[K12OSN] Best approach to calm the school's administration about Linux?

aust_txv at ACCESS-K12.org aust_txv at ACCESS-K12.org
Tue Jun 1 11:47:13 UTC 2004

Sorry to comment so late on this thread...
Joe - the arguement I use when faced with this issue is...
Fine I will go MS, no problem, its all technology to me.  Who is going to 
pay for it ?  How many more techs are we going to employ ?  And how many 
down school days can I waste while updating AV software and other updates ? 

Then I bring out the documents and real numbers on Microsoft School License 
Agreement right off the MS web site.  I love saying "Yes this is a yearly 
cost."  ;)  In Ohio, USA our school funding is a joke and so is the state 
legislature.  FIX school funding !!!!  With Linux you can "ask for less, 
spend less and give more."  What business doesn't want that ?  Everything 
mentioned above about teaching tech standards and not a vendors 
product...huge DITTO'S!
Tom Ventresco
Austintown Local Schools

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