[K12OSN] Can you run a 64 bit server and 32 bit clients?

Justin Paulsen paulsenj at frederic.k12.wi.us
Fri Mar 26 20:12:13 UTC 2004

Hi all,

Would it be possible to run a 64 bit server like a dual Opteron and 32
bit clients like Athalons?

I was just thinking about application compatibility in such a situation.


P.S. let me know if this signature is too annoying and I'll get rid of
it.  :)

Justin Paulsen				 .88888888:.
IT Coordinator	        	        88888888.88888.
Frederic School District              .8888888888888888.
Frederic, WI  54837	              888888888888888888
(715) 327-4223		              88' _`88'_  `88888
paulsenj at frederic.k12.wi.us           88 88 88 88  88888
http://www.frederic.k12.wi.us         88_88_::_88_:88888
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ASCII Penguin from www.penguin.org

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