[K12OSN] Could I PLEASE get two files

steve hampton steve_hampton28702 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 20:52:53 UTC 2004

I have just successfully installed k12ltsp 4.0.1
fedora except for a couple of minor glitches.  I saved
my old dhcpd.conf and lts.conf files from the old
k12ltsp 3.x system. appearently the first mistake I
made was to copy the over the files on the new system
instead of just using their contents to edit the files
that are installed by default.  And being the newbie
that i am i forgot to backup the originals thinking
everything would just work fine.  so is their anyone
who has original copies of these files /etc/dhcpd.conf
and /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf that they could email
to me as attachments at steve_hampton28702 at yahoo.com. 
If you can thank you so much.


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