[K12OSN] Shared Folders

Shawn Powers spowers at inlandlakes.org
Mon Nov 15 18:53:24 UTC 2004

Does anyone offer shared folders to staff/students?  If so, how do you 
manage permissions so that everyone can read/write to the files?  Is 
there a way to make a UMASK for a specific folder?  For a shared folder 
to work right, it would have to have a UMASK of 0666, correct?  I am not 
sure how to handle that with sticky bits, etc...

My current kludge is to have a cron job on my nfs server that runs 
"chmod -R 666 /share" every minute.  Not pretty, and not immediate.

Thanks again for any insight,
Shawn Powers
Technology Director
Inland Lakes Schools
PHN: 231-238-6868 x9174
FAX: 509-356-7024
spowers at inlandlakes.org

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