[K12OSN] skolelinux

David Trask dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us
Thu Nov 11 03:23:11 UTC 2004

"Support list for opensource software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com> on
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 at 6:56 PM +0000 wrote:
>Yes Mike, It provides a webmin module to add users one at a time or in a
>batch via a text file.
>There in lies issue # 1 for me. It creates it's own user names based on
>the firs and last name. It's bad enough around 
>here when new passwords are required, I don't even want to start giving
>out new log-on names.

How would you prefer it?  Maybe we can request a feature?

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Coordinator
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us

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