[K12OSN] Shared Folders

Huck dhuckaby at paasda.org
Mon Nov 15 20:22:23 UTC 2004

Pete wrote:

> chgrp users /data
> I assume drwxr-xr-x is the current permission set.
> make the directory rw for everybody in group users
> chmod g+w
> Now without setting the SGID bit. User that have 'users' as their 
> default group can read and write to the /data dir without problems
> However users that belong to the users group but have another primary 
> group will mess up things
> there files will be owned by them and their default group...
> So you want the default group directory...
> chmod g+s /data
> Now to ensure that only the people that created a certain file can 
> delete that file you need the sticky bit on the /data directory
> (same as /tmp)
> chmod +t /data
> And you can delete your cron job :-)
> Peter


This allows for rw permissions for everyone of 'users'...and only the 
creator can delete their creations, how to restrict it so that no one 
BUT the creator(and a teacher) can view/edit their creation?
so in /data  when Jimmy saves his final exam, Jane can not open it 
read-only or overwrite it with a file of the same name?


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