[K12OSN] iptables and prerouting for squid

KJ ksj2010 at myrealbox.com
Tue Nov 16 16:11:10 UTC 2004

I think it's a great question.  eth0 is my internal LAN. 

My setup is that I have one LTSP box to serve my 10 computers.  It has 
two LAN cards, one is connected to the thin clients and the other is 
connected to my internal LAN (which the teachers are on) The LTSP 
sessions are the ones that I am attempting to route into squidguard. 

Maybe this is my problem, I have the requests coming in from the thin 
clients, the server thinks it is coming from itself and routes it out to 
the internet.  does that make sense?

thanks again!

Cory Cartwright wrote:

>Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is eth0 you internal LAN? Maybe
>instead specify the address -s 172.x.x.x/xx  (put your subnet in) and
>remove -i eth0

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