[K12OSN] What area to restore from backup?

Joseph Bishay joseph.bishay at utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 1 20:06:13 UTC 2004


I am having a weird problem - the students have been resetting the 
server by hitting the reboot button.  So far there hasn't been any 
hardware issues, but I have noticed an unusual thing: the clients are 
no longer responding to ctrl-alt-+/- in order to change the monitor 
resolution.  Many of the screens have reverted to 640x480 resolution, 
which is rather useless. They're not responding to any changes using 
X_MODE_0 or anything else.

It has been suggested that the rebooting has caused the files 
relating to client boot-up have been corrupted. I have backups using 
Mondo Archive, but I'd like to know what directory I need to restore. 
Or is it possible there is something else?

I am using the Redhat 9 version of k12ltsp.

Thank you kindly.

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