[K12OSN] deny IP based on MAC address....how?

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Mon Oct 4 17:49:46 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 12:01, David Trask wrote:
> > Then they *have* to 
> >come to you and get themselves disinfected.
> Awesome idea!  Boy am I going to have fun with this!

If your switches are managed you should have some
command to show the MAC addresses associated with
each port.  With Cisco it would be 'show mac'.  If you
see a lot of addresses for the same switch port it is
probably a cross-connect to another switch, so you have
to repeat the command on that switch.  If you find the
MAC address as the only one on a switch port, just follow
the wire to find the PC in question.

  Les Mikesell
   les at futuresource.com

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