[K12OSN] Improve loading time for OOo

David Trask dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us
Mon Oct 18 00:31:59 UTC 2004

"Support list for opensource software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com> on
Sunday, October 17, 2004 at 8:17 PM +0000 wrote:
>Thanks for the tip.
>I was about to script my way out of creating a huge load of users (on 
>four servers + the e-smith), if your trick works then I'll have saved a 
>lot time and effort.

If you're looking for a script to do bulk users in SME...go here to Abe
Loveless's contribs section at tech-geeks.org  
http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/loveless/SMEServer/contribs/  and go to
the batch users script.  It's got a very explanatory README that will talk
you through set up and usage (vary simple).  (the batch hosts script is
also useful for adding multiple entries in the "hostnames and addresses
panel"  you can create one text file using Excel or whatever and then dupe
it to all your SME boxes using these scripts.

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Coordinator
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us

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