[K12OSN] PyKota Installed and Works Great!

Huck dhuckaby at paasda.org
Wed Sep 22 22:08:58 UTC 2004

I just spent the last 3 days installing PyKota (my learning curve =)
and through my test runs it works great!
I set up per-page quotas instead of monatary balance quotas, and it cut 
me off just like it's supposed to!

Haven't fiddled with getting pop-up warnings when near limit...that's 
but I sent the man $50 to support the cause for 2yrs of access to rpm's 
and the like.
It's free if you can figure out how to install from the CVS tree(no clue 
from me there)

installed with the RPM ... found the documentation and worked it out in 
3 days with a little help from the listserve!

For those with rogue printer users who like to print off all of the 
latest and greatest game walkthroughs etc etc...
here's a good way of limiting them and tracking usage as well, on a 
per-individual basis!


is the homepage...


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