[K12OSN] new win xp thin client from MS

Steve Hargadon steve.hargadon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 15:58:14 UTC 2005

I'm thinking about the schools that I work with, and none of them have
the funds to pay for this as a solution.

1.  Workstation OS (cost unknown)
2.  Terminal Services CALs
3.  User CALs
4.  Hardware required for a MS server.

Yes, you are re-using hardware, which is good, but that won't save a
whole lot of money in the big picture, I don't think.

I think it is a smart move by Microsoft, but I wonder how much it will
actually impact the adoption of LTSP.  If anything, it might enhance
the visibility of thin client computing in schools and actually
benefit the LTSP community.

Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct

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