[K12OSN] Given this situation, why bother continue with LTSP?

Henry Hartley henryhartley at westat.com
Wed Apr 20 19:22:32 UTC 2005

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kevin Squire
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:52 PM
>> My BIG question would be the upgrade costs --
>> in 5 years will these person be willing to buy all new machines?

>> I am sure this goes for many of the people on this list.  How
>> many of you accually were "schooled" with your current computer
>> system???????

When I was in high school...

In addition to how far I had to walk through the snow ;-), we
(my family) bought a computer with 8k of RAM standard.  We spent
extra to get a second 8k.  We hooked it up to a power supply, a
cassette deck for storage and a small B&W TV.  Man, that was
livin!  There were some folks at college who had Apple II
computers but not me.  My first "real" job was with a contractor
at the National Weather Service.  I must admit that what I
learned in school didn't really get me ready for working with
decks of punch cards and TI Silent 700 terminals, but I managed.
As you say, times change and so do computers.

>> I want my child to learn how to use a word processor, not how to
>> use Word -- I want my child to learn how to search the internet for
>> VALID information, not how to use Internet Explorer.  

I'd take that a step further and say I want my child to learn to do
research, not just how to search the internet but hey, that's just

Actually, if the "don't be left behind" mantra gets too strong, you 
might point out that more college computer science students probably
use Linux than Windows.  If they really want to give their child a
head start, that's what they should be using.


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