[K12OSN] Simple User Hacks - 4.2 installs of Acrobat and Flash

Steve Hargadon steve.hargadon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 18:18:19 UTC 2005

These are simple user hacks for the additional software installs of
Acrobat and Flash for K12 4.2.0.  Don't know if they've been solved in
future versions, but just in case anyone else runs into them here's
how I've solved them (in my simplistic way, I am sure).

In the "Install additional software" on the desktop, the "Get Acrobat
Reader" and the "Get Flash" installers haven't worked for me for some

For Acrobat, I go to the Synaptic package manager, update the list,
then search for "acro" and set acroread and acroread-plugin to update.
 Then hit apply.

For Flash, I got to a flash-enabled site (in my case, I have a
daughter, so I go to barbie.com!).  Download and extract the files,
see the readme for install instructions (can't be done from the gui).


Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct

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