[K12OSN] Tossing around an idea...need some input

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Mon Aug 15 19:46:02 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:46, Rob Owens wrote:
> Here's a question:  Is it possible to have 2 instances
> of dhcp running on the same port, on the same machine,
> with non-overlapping ranges, but with 2 different
> dhcpd.conf files?
> I imagine you'd need to rename one of the instances,
> so you could have dhcp and dhcp2, using dhcpd.conf and
> dhcpd2.conf, respectively.  The two .conf files would
> be the same, except that they'd have 2 different
> dynamic IP ranges and 2 different root paths (each
> pointing to a different LTSP server).
> Any thoughts?

Only one thing can answer on the same address/port at
one time, so you can only have one server there.  However
it should be possible to get the effect you want with
a 'shared-network' statement wrapping an assortment of
different settings that you would like to have given
to different machines.  I'm not sure if the entries really
have to be in different but physically overlaid subnets
or how it chooses which to use for any particular answer
but it does give you a way to mix things up.

  Les Mikesell
    les at futuresource.com

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