[K12OSN] Making K12LTSP "school friendly"

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Tue Feb 8 00:08:41 UTC 2005

Jim Kronebusch wrote:

>>Well, what's everyone (else) waiting for? ;)
>>Should we perhaps 'advertise' this movement on the K12LTSP site or elsewhere
>>(like DesktopLinux.com or *cringe* Slashdot), or is everyone who'd be
>>influencial already on this list?
>If the software companies run their business like I run mine my guess is it is
>all hinging on numbers we don't have yet.  I am sure there are plenty of
>statistics for how many Windows and Mac users there are.  But just like was
>discussed on this list last week there probably isn't as many numbers backing
>up Linux or K12LTSP.  So right now they can calculate how much income would
>could possibly be gained at x amount for software multiplied by %y of
>available users z.  If we could give them an idea of how large a number z is
>maybe they could see a real potential which will drive them down this road. 
>Right now I suppose they know where the road of MS and Mac will lead them. 
>Maybe it is as simple as paving a road with real statistics on systems,
>workstations, in service.  And they may also be shy due to the push for free
>open source software.  The general expectation from most linux users is if the
>os is free, and most software is free, why would I buy any, lets find a free
>version.  I am all for free and open source, but in order for them to want to
>produce software for this market maybe we need to somehow convey a willingness
>to pay for task specific software, without the release of the source (the
>response for saying that will most likely hurt).  Not that I am for that, but
>if I have a company that has made a certain task specific software for x
>amount of years, the thought of having to release all of the code to move to
>another platform would most likely stear me clear and hang out supporting
>platforms where my code can remain anonymous.
>I think these are most likely the hurdles we are facing.  And a single person
>or group most likely won't spead as loud as statistics.  Luckily with some big
>compaines taking on Linux and mainstream commercials by comanies such as IBM
>should be starting to get their attention.

Of course, you could simply move away from titles like Reader Rabbit, 
Oregon Trail, etc.  If these companies care about the lost sales, 
they'll get in line.    Besides, the way I learned to read was by 
reading actual books, and I'm not all that old.  Is reading actual books 
not considered "good" anymore?

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