[K12OSN] Making K12LTSP "school friendly"

anthony baldwin anthonybaldwin at snet.net
Tue Feb 8 02:32:44 UTC 2005

richard ingalls wrote:

>I LOVE K12LTSP!  I have used it to successfully add 4
>"new" classroom computer labs to my small, rural
>school district, using old and donated hardware (but
>new servers).  I LOVE that my students can login
>anywhere and have all their files and even their
>customized desktop follow them.  But... (you knew it
>was coming, right?)
>In most schools, we use so much "edutainment" software
>that is M$ only.  My teachers have programs like
>"Oregon Trail" and "Reader Rabbit" and "Jumpstart
>Math" and "Kidspiration/Inspiration".  IF there was a
>way to run this software on the Linux server using
>wine and make it available to all the users, THEN
>K12LTSP would be the biggest, best solution for
>schools - ever (well at least for elementary/middle
>Has anyone successfully installed these types of
>"edutainment" apps on their servers and made them
>available to all the users?  If so, HOW?
>I think making something like this "easy" to do, would
>catapult K12LTSP and Open Source over the edge for
>many  school districts.
I have run Inspiration on a K12 box using wine.
It's been some time, since I did, but I did, and I know it can still be 
Inspiration can be a valuable tool in the classroom, for sure.


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