[K12OSN] Re: sample dhcpd.conf needed -- and a question

Bimal Pandit bimal.pandit at indoasian.com
Tue Feb 8 12:25:15 UTC 2005

Dear Rob

actually it is not so difficult to have your own dhcp installed and use
it with ltsp, instead of depending on dhcp file from ltsp package.

dhcp from ltsp package provides dhcpd.conf in /etc directory while if
you install your dhcp server, i mean dhcp server package from your
distribution it will provide complete file/installation along with a
sample file, you will have a sample file as
/usr/share/doc/dhcp-3.0pl1/dhcpd.conf.sample. after installing this

just copy this in /etc directory as dhcpd.conf and configure it as per
your requirements.

NOTE:- you need to install dhcp sever package, since ltsp will give you
only dhcpd.conf.


Bimal Pandit

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