[K12OSN] Helping out at the ltsp booth at Linux World

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Sat Feb 19 00:06:33 UTC 2005

I would love to; if it's ever a little closer to the Washington, DC 
area, I'd so be there.  Baastan's a little far for me at this point, 

Jim Kronebusch wrote:

>I just wanted to take the time to let everyone know that if they have
>never volunteered some of their time to help at the ltsp booth or any
>other open source initiative, they should.
>I have to say I have never met a better group of people working
>together.  It is an excellent experience that really helps you
>understand how the open source community works and is able to exist.
>I always have people say "Sure it is free now, but what about in 2
>years?", or "What kind of people would actually develop software for
>free, and why?".  I really wish those people could witness what I did
>over the last few days so they could truly understand.
>Thanks again guys for all of the information I gathered from you and for
>your dedication.  I myself now have a much better understanding of the
>open source community and am more dedicated now then ever to help
>support it.  And funds and time permitting I hope to see you all at
>future events.
>Jim Kronebusch
>Cotter Tech Department
>jim at winonacotter.org 

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