[K12OSN] OOo 1.1.4 upgrade issue

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 21:27:34 UTC 2005

Terrell had a post describing how to upgrade OOo without removing the
older version.

"Here it is.  Pretty simple, actually.  I added a line to the bottom of 
.sversionrc and tweaked /usr/bin/ooffice.  Here are the files 
post-editing.  I included the original /usr/bin/ooffice as "ooffice.bak" 
for those who want to diff against the original (recommended).
Terrell Prude', Jr. <microman cmosnetworks com>

The mods are to ooffice and .sversionrc.  I can edit ooffice with these mods


.sversionrc should be 
OpenOffice.org 1.0.2=file:///home/terrell/.openoffice
OpenOffice.org 1.1.0=file:///home/terrell/OpenOffice.org1.1.4

how would I add this extra line to all existing users .sversionrc
files? I could just delete all .sversionrc and it would be re-created
when the users ran OOo but it would not have the first line.

Robert Arkiletian
C++ GUI tutorial http://fltk.org/links.php?V19

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