[K12OSN] K12LTSP 4.2.0/x86_64 HOWTO

Eric Harrison eharrison at mail.mesd.k12.or.us
Fri Jan 7 23:17:36 UTC 2005

I installed the K12LTSP 4.2.0 packages on my Athlon64 laptop today. No
major issues, almost everything worked out of the box. The only real
gotchas I've seen so far:

1) no support for the java or flash plugins
2) up2date does not include the K12LTSP repositories (i.e. "add
additional software does not work", which is not too big of a deal since
Java and Flash are not supported)
3) apt does not work

I'll fix items #2 & #3 sometime in the near future.

Here are the steps I followed:

0. Install FC3 x86_64. I picked a standard Desktop install. The only
things I changed from the default were:

	Firewall: trust eth0
	Network: eth0 IP= netmask

   Once the install was completed...

1. Download and install k12ltsp-release package:

    rpm -ihv ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/pub/K12LTSP/4.2.0/i386/Fedora/RPMS/k12ltsp-release-4.2.0-1.noarch.rpm

2. Import GPG keys:

    rpm --import /usr/share/doc/k12ltsp/*KEY*
    rpm --import ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/pub/K12LTSP/4.2.0/RPMS/x86-64/RPM-GPG-KEY-Fedora-Pre-Extras

3. Install K12LTSP packages:

    yum install k12ltsp-core k12ltsp-extras k12ltsp-utils k12ltsp-education

4. Configure K12LTSP:


5. Reboot

6. Rejoice

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