[K12OSN] Virtual Machine

"Terrell Prudé, Jr." microman at cmosnetworks.com
Thu Jan 27 04:34:21 UTC 2005

Yancey B. Jones wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>>Is there a Linux (preferably free) alternative?  I know that 
>>>Win4Lin is supposed to run Win9X fairly well, but is there a 
>>true virtual machine app. that will run Windows NT/2K/XP and 
>>give it access to the Linux machines hardware devices?
>VMWare works great but it is not free. I think it beats Virtual PC
>hands down, whether running on Windows or Linux as the host. You can
>get a trial to test it out. www.vmware.com
>- -Yancey

Agreed on VMware.  I used it back in the 2.0.x days, and it certainly 
did the job.  I was running Windows NT inside a virtual machine, with 
the host OS being RHL 6.2.  Not inexpensive, but it works.

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