[K12OSN] Managing identical logins...

David Trask dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us
Mon Jan 31 01:57:10 UTC 2005

"Support list for opensource software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com> on
Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 9:49 PM +0000 wrote:
>I don't have an answer but understand your dilemma here.  In my schools
>younger kids they cannot remember individual passwords either.  So we
>given them a "class" username and folder to log into.  I would also be 
>interested in any suggestions to solving this problem.

I actually begin having kids log on in first grade.  We use a first
initial, last name scheme  (jsmith).....with the kids phone number as
their password.  This is a great thing...two-fold.....it helps the kids
login as well as learn their phone number (which is important).  What I do
to help is I print out "login cards".  They are 8.5 X 11 sheets with
screenshots of the login screen with their username and passwords filled
in.  The teacher hands out the login cards right before they come to the
lab....the kids take the cards to their terminal...sit down and log in
using the card to copy from.  Granted...in the beginning they need a
little help, but it's not long before they don't even bring the cards! 
Works great and teaches at the same time!

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Coordinator
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcs.u52.k12.me.us

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