[K12OSN] vncviewer -via [was Java issue here too (k12 4.1.1)]

Petre Scheie petre at maltzen.net
Wed Jan 12 14:06:54 UTC 2005

Ah, I think I see the problem: -via is an option for the TightVNC vncviewer, and 
I've got RealVNC installed.  I can manually remove the RealVNC package, and then 
download and install the TightVNC package; but is there a way to have yum or 
apt-get install the TightVNC, since I'm lazy?  Which version shipped with 
K12LTSP 3.0.1?
(Eric, is there a list of packages and versions for each release on a website 


Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 10:42, Petre Scheie wrote:
>>I think we've been down this path before, where I've suggested the ssh route and 
>>Les has pointed out the simpler and therefore more elegant vnc route.;-) I just 
>>tried the vncviewer method on my K12LTSP 3.0.1 box (the server is my desktop), 
>>but it says it doesn't recognize the -via option.  What version is required for 
>>that option?
> The oldest machine I can find (K12LTSP release 2.1.1-1) has
> # rpm -q vnc
> vnc-3.3.3r2+tight1.2.3-1
> But that might have been an updated version pulled from freshrpms.net
> back when RH 7.3 was getting updates.  I can't find one that doesn't
> support -via.

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