[K12OSN] SMB/LDAP Groups Issue

Jason Ingalls jingalls at ellsworthschools.org
Fri Jul 15 13:08:18 UTC 2005

Our newly installed SMB/LDAP server seems to be having trouble getting the group
information out to the windows clients. For instance if I add a user to the
"Domain Admins" group the user doesn't necessarily get Domain Admin rights at
the windows boxes. I am a member of that group and it works for me. However I
add the boss to that group and he doesn't pick it up on Windows. Same goes for
a group we have called Staff. It works for most ppl but a person we added
yesterday is not picking those permissions up on the Windows clients.

Any thoughts?


Jason Ingalls
Ellsworth School Department
IT Specialist
207-667-4722 Ext. 5529
jingalls (at) ellsworthschools.org

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