[K12OSN] Homework DropBox Idea

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 21:43:34 UTC 2005

On 7/24/05, Robert Arkiletian <robark at gmail.com> wrote:
> I create a dir in home then I chgrp the dir file to be the group of
> the class in  question.
> Then chmod the dir file to give the group write only access with
> others having no access. This can be achieved by the following
> chmod 730 "name of dir"
> 7 owner (root or you) has full access
> 3=2(write)+1(execute on a dir is list) for group which you set with chgrp
> 0 others have no access

After reading up on the sticky bit. I'll change my advice to 

chmod 1730 "name of dir"

If the sticky bit is set, so the permissions are 1730, then anyone in
the group can add files to the directory, but each user can only
delete their own files.

Robert Arkiletian
C++ GUI tutorial http://fltk.org/links.php?V19

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