[K12OSN] File Permissions Question

Mark Cockrell cockrell at honeygroveisd.net
Fri Jul 8 13:38:01 UTC 2005

Hello all,
    I'm in the process of moving from my long-standing Windows NT domain 
to a spiffy new Samba/LDAP setup thanks to the hard work of so many on 
this list.  I want to try to replicate my existing setup as much as 
possible to smooth things over with my users, but I seem to be 
struggling most with my own ignorance.  I want to set up certain folders 
so that different groups have different levels of access.  For example:  
I want to create a "HS" share for use by High School students.  I want 
for the group "HS" to have read/write access, but not the ability to 
change file permissions.  Windows calls this "Change" access.  I want 
the groups "HS_STAFF," and "Domain Admins" to have "Full" access, and I 
want all other groups to have no access at all.  How do I accomplish 
this with Linux.  Thanks in advance.

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