[K12OSN] First test build of 4.2.1, with PPC terminal support

Eric Harrison eharrison at mail.mesd.k12.or.us
Sun Mar 13 00:33:41 UTC 2005

I have uploaded a first test build of K12LTSP 4.2.1. In addition to all
of the official Fedora updates, this build includes support for PPC

An out-of-the-box install will boot my PowerBook G4. I have not tried any
other PPC terminals, nor have I verfied that upgrades work as expected.

So proceed with caution, this is not ready for production use...

If you are brave enough to try it, please let us know if 1) you tried
upgrading an existing server (non-producton, test servers only!) and
2) what PPC boxes you tried to use as terminals and whether or not they

 	rsync -Pav k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us::testing/4.2.1/ .

Thanks to everyone here who worked on making the PPC support so seemless!


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