[K12OSN] Dovecot mbox warning and question

mrok12osn at eastgranby.k12.ct.us mrok12osn at eastgranby.k12.ct.us
Sun Mar 13 18:14:25 UTC 2005

About a week ago, I upgraded our email system (postfix, UWimap,
squirrelmail) from FC1 to (postfix, dovecot, squirrelmail) on FC3 using
the K12LTSP CD's.  Shortly after the upgrade, I started getting word back
of corruption of folders.  Some teachers could not logon to squirrelmail
because their inbox had been corrupted.  More often there was corruption
to the Sent and Trash folders.  Fortunately, most of the corruption could
be fixed by a simple editor, but I have no idea whether messages were

After some investigation, it appears the authors of dovecot are saying
that dovecot (.99) is buggy with the mbox format and that version 1 of
dovecot, with a significant rewrite, should be tried.  This is not for me.

This morning (Sunday), I shut down dovecot and installed the UWimap binary
rpm from FC1 into FC3.  It appears to be working well, but am I really
exposed using the FC1 binary on FC3?  There is no rpm for UWimap for FC3.

I know that there are some security issues with this version of UWimap,
but our use of imap is primarily over for squirrelmail.  There
are another five users using Outlook with imap only on our local subnet.

Mark Orenstein
East Granby, CT School System

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