[K12OSN] Build decisions

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Fri Mar 4 13:59:01 UTC 2005

Thank you both Terrel and Les for your views.

I am actually on Centos 3.3, but all I have configured is my DNS.  I can 
copy those files, reinstall without much of a care (but waiting 2 weeks as 
next week is IETF in Minneapolis and the following IEEE 802 plenary in 
Altanta; I'm a standards guy doing security research).  So my allegance is 
to stablity (my NT boxen have been running for years, sometimes boots are 
months apart).

I do not even *KNOW* what the K12 apps are and if I want them.  Really all 
I want is an NT domain replacement!!!

So it almost sounds like I should wait a few weeks (perhaps Centos 4.0 will 
have some more cleanup done by then), go with the new Centos and work out 
what it takes to get this script rurnning on it.

Of course if there are some great K12 apps that I SHOULD be using, well then!!!

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to
add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away"

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

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