[K12OSN] yum installs

Petre Scheie petre at maltzen.net
Thu May 19 12:59:04 UTC 2005

Hmmm.  Thinking this sounded like a good idea, I tried 'yum list all', but all I got was

Gathering package information from servers
Getting headers from: Fedora Linux / stable for Red Hat Linux 8.0 (i386)
Getting headers from: K12LTSP for Red Hat Linux 8.0 (i386)
Getting headers from: Macromedia Flash Player for Red Hat Linux 8.0
Getting headers from: Red Hat Linux 8.0 (i386)
Getting headers from: Red Hat Linux 8.0 (i386) updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
getting /var/cache/yum/fedora-stable/headers/putty-0-0.57-0.fdr.1.rh80.i386.hdr
Looking in Available Packages:
Name                                     Arch       Version

Looking in Installed Packages:
Name                                     Arch       Version

Anyone have any suggestions on why I'm not seeing anything?  Oddly, I don't recall 
having any trouble explicitly installing a given package, but it's been a while.


Henry Hartley wrote:
> On: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 5:20 PM, Carl Keil said:
>>>Is there a way to get a list of all the packages that are available
>>>via yum?  Y'know, so you know exactly what to type to get the package
>>>you want?  I never know whether it's 'yum install apache' or 'yum
>>>install httpd'.  That's just an example, I don't need to install
>>>apache, but I'm wondering what the list is? 
> yum list all
> You might want to dump that into a file
> yum list all > yumlist.txt

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